Fibre View: Band –aid Adhesive dressings by Johnson – Johnson

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Band –aid Adhesive dressings by Johnson – Johnson

Band –aid Adhesive dressings by Johnson – Johnson. Band –aid a very commonly used adhesive dressing pads in most of the India homes. The pads contains BENZALKONIUM CHLORIDE which helps in healing minor cuts and wounds. I live in a small place and most of the small places in India are provided with a free government hospital but who would go to the hospital for minor cuts an injuries , Just peel off a band Aid and apply it on the wound and in few days every thing is back to normal.

When I was a kid I was very naughty and so always had these minor cuts and injuries . Cricket was our passion and as soon as the school was over we would rush off to the ground with a bat and ball in hand but more often than not the cricket field turned up to a battle field rather and the result was cuts and bruises everywhere . On top of the fights and bruises I used to get a nice spanking from my mother for being good at school. But after all she is the one who takes care of the bruises , she use to wash it off with an anti septic solution and then apply those wonderful BAND- AIDs which really has some very good healing properties. In compared to other adhesive dressing pads Band Aid really worked much faster and normally the bruises were cured in a day or two.

We have been using it since decade and I really don’t know how many wounds and cuts have it cured and healed.

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