Fibre View: Dilinct Syrup

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dilinct Syrup

Dilinct Syrup

I happen to use Dilinct Syrup when I was a kid and suffering from bronchial infection.  I was taken to a general physician and he recommended using Dilinct Syrup for a period of 2 weeks. Honestly it was one of the most pathetic tasting cough syrup I ever tasted and with the very first use I felt like dumping it in the bin but my mother is really strict and because of her I really had to take the medicine.

Though it tastes bitter but the good thing about Dilinct Syrup is that it is very effective and within few days of using the drug I started feeling better. Besides it didn’t make me feel giddy nor did it make me feel drowsy like most other cough syrup. Yeah I did suffer from minor diarrhea but as per the doctor that was normal as the drug clears the bacteria during the first few days of using the medicine.

In just a week’s time the medicine took proper care of the cough because of the bronchial infection and I was back to normal health but my doctor and my mom forced me to continue the medicine for another week just to make sure the infection doesn’t resurface.

As for the pricing Dilinct Syrup is a touch expensive compared to other cough syrup but it is surely effective and worth the price paid for you know how intriguing coughing can get, though not serious but it surely can hamper your concentration and effect your efficiency adversely.

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