Fibre View: Enzomac Forte

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Enzomac Forte

Enzomac Forte

Few days back I had to uproot my root canal as it was causing plenty of discomfort daily. Root canals always have been troublesome and the pain and discomfort associated to it is simply unimaginable. Besides hampering your health it doesn’t allow you to concentrate on you work so it was necessary to get it removed.  So I fixed an appointment with a local dentist and it removed as soon as possible, the tooth extraction process was easy (as I was under sedative effect) but there was a bit of swelling and thus the doctor prescribed me Enzomac Forte to be used for a time period of 2-3 days.

He told me with the help of the drug, the swelling would subside in 2-3 days and life would be back to normal. He also asked me to take only liquid food for about 2-3 days. So even though the pain was gone but the inflammation was pretty irritating and so I started using Enzomac Forte as early as possible.
The good thing about the drug is that it gets rid of the pain, so even with a swollen face you don’t feel any major pain, also it has a sedative effect so, and normally I would administer Enzomac Forte before going to bed.

Enzomac side effects
Besides the sedative effect, I didn’t feel any other adverse reaction using Enzomac Forte tablets. Enzomac side effects may vary from patient to patient, consult a doctor in case any symptoms occur and become problematic.

Precautions and warnings
  • Patients may suffer from hypersensitivity to any of the active ingredients present in Enzomac Forte. In case any such reaction occur, stop using the drug immediately and consult your occur.
  • To be used with caution during pregnancy and lactation.

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