Fibre View: Enzomac Forte

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Enzomac Forte

Enzomac Forte

Active Composition-

Enzomac Forte is formulated with the combination of active ingredients Typsin, Bromelain and Rutoside Trihydrate. It is normally used for treatment of, Edema, joint pain (Rheumatoid Arthritis), Sprains and other ailments associated with Arthritis.


Adult patients are normally prescribed with 2 tablets of Enzomac three times a day after food. Using the drug on empty stomach may initiate stomach irritation, nausea, vomiting and other similar symptoms. Patients have also suffered from skin irritation and rashes on using Enzomac Forte on empty stomach. Drink plenty of water after administering the drug.

Inform your doctor if you are administering other over the counter drug or herbal medications. Simultaneous use of Enzomac Forte with other drugs could cause serious side effects.

Enzomac Forte Side effects
There have been rare cases of side effects reported after using the drug. Nausea, skin irritation, vomiting, skin redness and rashes are some of the symptoms associated with the use of Enzomac Forte. In case of any side reaction on using the drug, stop administering it immediately and consult your doctor. Ignoring the symptoms or reactions could prove fatal.

The use of the drug possibly may result in the change in color and odor of the stool. These are harmless reactions and will fade away once you stop administering the drug.

Precautions and warnings

·         Avoid using the drug in case of any side effects or reactions after using the drug.
·         Don’t use the drug without consulting your doctor in case of pregnancy or lactation.
·         In case of any allergic reactions, stop using Enzomac immediately and consult your physician.
·         Avoid using other OTC drug without first consulting with your doctor.
·         Avoid over dose, if the drug doesn’t seem to be working  consult your doctor.

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