Fibre View: Lacrimos eye drops

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Lacrimos eye drops

Lacrimos eye drops

Recently I had gone to my native place and all of sudden I suffered from severe eye problems. It started itching profoundly and water was flowing constantly from both the eyes. Now we live in a very small place and doctors are not easily available and the nearest town is some 500 miles away so I consulted my uncle who is a pharmacist and he suggested using Lacrimos eye drops.

Lacrimos eye drops have a soothing effect right from the very first. It reduces the itching effectively and calms down the free flow of water from the eyes. Though it didn’t work on the redness but you don’t expect a drug to get rid of all the allergic symptoms from the very first use. As per the instruction of my uncle I used Lacrimos eye drops daily for a week or so and thanks to the eye drop I didn’t have to cut short my holiday trip and rush for a doctor. 

A Lacrimos eye drop doesn’t have any side effects and you can use it normally almost any time of the day. Your vision is blinded for about 5-10 minutes after using the drug which is just about normal with any eye drops. 

Normally you have to use 2-3 drops on both the eyes and keep your eyes closed and rolling for 4-5 minutes for the drug to take proper effect. It would be advisable to use Lacrimos eye drops for removing any form of impurities from the eyes as it lubricates and easily removes the dust or other form of impurities that gets into your eyes.

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